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How to generate a list of all possible combinations of items

  1. #1
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    How to generate a list of all possible combinations of items


    I'm looking for VBA code to help create a table similar to the one below that shows the list of all possible combinations of N objects taken in groups of P.
    For example, this would be partial results of 6 objects (A,B,C,D, E F) taken 3 at a time.

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    Hopefully, someone may be able to help.
    - Stu

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Crooza's Avatar
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    Re: How to generate a list of all possible combinations of items

    Try this

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  3. #3
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    Re: How to generate a list of all possible combinations of items

    Thank you Crooza for your sample macro. It got me started towards a solution.
    After DIM-ing all the variables (I use 'Option Explicit'), it produced results for 3 groups of 3 items taken from 6.
    Here's my modified code...
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    Next I wanted to allow a variable number of items rather than 4.
    Experimenting a bit gave this code for 4 items out of N.
    ( N is entered in cell B1 and a button starts the macro; This makes it more flexible.)

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    Extrapolating from this, I can see that making groups of 5 would require 5 counters and FOR loops, groups of 6 would need 6, and so on.

    My next task is to generalize this to have one routine to make the groups of size K chosen from N items.
    For my purposes, going up to groups of 10 chosen from 15 items would be sufficient.
    When (and if) that's working, I will post it also.

    Last edited by StuCram; 04-29-2015 at 10:38 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: How to generate a list of all possible combinations of items

    OK, I've now made a demo to generate all possible groups of size K from a set of N items.

    The Excel file with the VBA macro program is attached for anyone curious.
    I used a SELECT/CASE structure to execute the appropriate group of FOR loops.
    I'm pleased to at how quickly the macro runs, even with several nested FOR loops

    - Stu


  5. #5
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: How to generate a list of all possible combinations of items

    Here's an alternative that works for any combination of n and m without nested loops:

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    Last edited by shg; 04-29-2015 at 12:28 PM.
    Entia non sunt multiplicanda sine necessitate

  6. #6
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    Re: How to generate a list of all possible combinations of items

    Thank you SHG for your alternate solution.
    I'm always intrigued that there frequently is more than one method to attack a problem.
    I like how your solution generates the item#s within the group.
    That however is not what I needed; I need the 'x' to appear in the appropriate columns as shown in my attachment.
    It should not be difficult, if I wish, to adapt your method to do that.
    The beauty of your solution of course is it's generality for the # of items and the group size.

    Thanks, again.
    - Stu

  7. #7
    Forum Expert shg's Avatar
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    Re: How to generate a list of all possible combinations of items

    You're welcome.

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