Hi All!
I need help creating a macro that can search through a row cells, find the negative values, and in a message box display the column heading of the cells that hold negative values, a value of zero, or a cell that is +/- 10% of the average of the 3 cells directly above said cell.
The Data that needs to be searched is in C65:BL65
Headings in C61:BL61
Cells needed to calculate average C62:BL62.
This will essentially be used to verify inventory and product usage.
For Example the cells below are Cells C61:C65. Since Cell C65 is negative I would like a msgbox to show up containing "Mini Loaf has a negative usage. Please Verify Count Is Accurate Before Continuing".
Mini Loaf (C61)
49.47 (C62)
64.51 (C63)
74.48 (C64)
-3.24 (C65)
Another example of what I'm trying to achieve is: Since C65 is negative and D65 is more than +/- 10% of the average of D62:D64, I would like a msg box to show up containing "Mini Loaf & Wheat have a negative usage. Please Verify Count Is Accurate Before Continuing".
Mini Loaf (C61) Wheat (D61)
49.47 (C62) 2.22 (D62)
64.51 (C63) 3.42 (D63)
74.48 (C64) 3.26 (D64)
-3.24 (C65) 0.70 (D65)
Thanks for any help you can give me!