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Vba output to a batch file

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Vba output to a batch file

    I wrote a vba script that makes a batch file in column A in excel.
    Can you please tell me how I can write out column A to a batch file.
    I don't want to do a save as since I want to keep my excel program open for other processes.
    Thanks you

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Re: Vba output to a batch file

    Hi learner99,

    The following macro will help you get started. It creates a .bat file using text from Column 'A' (starting at row 11) in the Active Sheet. You should be able to adapt it to your needs. Also see the attached sample file which implements the macro.
    Option Explicit
    Sub CreateDotBatFileFromDataInColumnA()
      Dim iFileNo As Long
      Dim iFirstRow As Long
      Dim iLastRow As Long
      Dim iRow As Long
      Dim bNeedMore As Long
      Dim sDataLine As String
      Dim sFileName As String
      Dim sFolder As String
      Dim sPathAndFileName As String
      'Preparation for Export
      'Create the Folder and File Name Combination from the Worksheet
      'Use the folder that contains the file that is running this code
      'Create an arbitrary file name
      sFolder = ThisWorkbook.Path
      sFileName = "abc.bat"
      'Make sure the Folder has a trailing BACKSLASH
      If Right(sFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
        sFolder = sFolder & "\"
      End If
      'Build the Path and File Name Combination
      sPathAndFileName = sFolder & sFileName
      'Verify that the file to be exported DOES NOT exist
      If LJMFileExists(sPathAndFileName) = True Then
        MsgBox "NOTHING DONE.  File EXISTS." & vbCrLf & _
               "Arbitrary rules DO NOT ALLOW file OVERRWRITE." & vbCrLf & _
               "Folder: '" & sFolder & "'" & vbCrLf & _
               "File: '" & sFileName & "'" & vbCrLf & _
        Exit Sub
      End If
      'Allocate a file 'handle'
      iFileNo = FreeFile
      'Open the file
      Open sPathAndFileName For Output As #iFileNo
      'Create the starting and ending Row Numbers
      iFirstRow = 11
      iLastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("A:A").Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
      For iRow = iFirstRow To iLastRow
        sDataLine = ActiveSheet.Cells(iRow, "A").Value
        Print #iFileNo, sDataLine
      Next iRow
      'Close the file
      Close #iFileNo
      MsgBox "Batch file creation completed." & vbCrLf & _
             "Folder: '" & sFolder & "'" & vbCrLf & _
             "File: '" & sFileName & "'" & vbCrLf & _
    End Sub
    Public Function LJMFileExists(sPathAndFullFileName As String) As Boolean
      'This returns TRUE if a file exists and FALSE if a file does NOT exist
      Dim iError As Integer
      Dim iFileAttributes As Integer
      On Error Resume Next
      iFileAttributes = GetAttr(sPathAndFullFileName)
      'Check the internal error  return
      iError = Err.Number
      Select Case iError
        Case Is = 0
            iFileAttributes = iFileAttributes And vbDirectory
            If iFileAttributes = 0 Then
              LJMFileExists = True
              LJMFileExists = False
            End If
        Case Else
            LJMFileExists = False
      End Select
      On Error GoTo 0
    End Function
    To prevent typos from ruining days and weeks of work 'Option Explicit' is NEEDED at the top of each code module. This prevents errors caused by missspellings and FORCES every variable to be DECLARED (e.g. Dim i as Integer). http://www.cpearson.com/excel/DeclaringVariables.aspx


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