Hello all... I have been using this site for awhile now, and I am trying to figure out some formulas and having ZERO luck. I have attached the file so that you guys can see what I'm trying to accomplish. If I (you) can get this figured out.. i will be a rock star at my company!!!!!! ANY and ALL help would be greatly appreciated!!
So here is what I need to figure out...
Column A-F have been setup with drop down and dependent drop down menus which I knew how to do, Column J and K have the breakdown of all the chemicals that we use. When an item is brought into the inventory, the person would add a line, pick the date/vendor/desc/etc... Col F is in/out... and gallons is the last important spot. Col F would be add/subtract based on the in/out drop down used to updated Col K. the problem is i don't know how to create the dynamic link that when the chemical in col C is selected, it will update the correct total in col K. I tried sumif, vlookup, and a few others, but i am by far not a programer and have no idea how to make the statements.
Any ideas guys/girls??? I def need to get this figured out.
Chemical Tracker Dynamic.xlsxChemical Tracker Dynamic.xlsx