Good Day All,

I'm putting together a vacation/absentee tracker with a summary page. I have attached my sample (I think) and what I hope can be done/having problems with is in red font. I would like a user to be able to enter an employees name or employee# into the button and the information populate from the 12 months into the summary.
I have been able to figure out the conditional formulas for the month sheets and some of the date formulas but I'm also having a issue with one formula for the allotted days per employee. I can't seem to get it showing 15 days for >=5 years.

I'm a newbie but I have learned a lot from all of you searching these forums. I have tried using various formulas I have found with no luck so I'm reaching out to the not so challenged user for help. If anyone could take a peek and let me know if what I'm attempting is possible and help or direct me where to look it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

2015 Employee Vacation Absentee test.xlsm