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Hide/Display radio buttons

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no_Fate Hide/Display radio buttons 04-02-2015, 02:31 PM
Fettertiger Re: Hide/Display radio buttons 04-02-2015, 06:40 PM
no_Fate Re: Hide/Display radio buttons 04-03-2015, 03:50 PM
Fettertiger Re: Hide/Display radio buttons 04-03-2015, 04:56 PM
no_Fate Re: Hide/Display radio buttons 04-06-2015, 05:34 AM
  1. #1
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    Hide/Display radio buttons


    Is it possible to, based on a cell value, display or hide a correspondent radio button?

    I'm using an excel file as a search tool. That search will return values on cells from E5 to E20. It can be 1 result, filling one cell or multiple results, filling the equal amount of cells.
    I've added radio buttons to copy that specific cell value. What I'm curious about if is it possible to hide the radio button if the correspondent cell is empty. For example, if only 3 results are found, only 3 radio buttons appear (instead of all 15).

    Please, see the attachment.
    Besides the dummy data, everything else is real.
    You can search for "1", "2", "3", etc. When searching for "1", for example, only one line is fulfilled and my intention is to hide the radio buttons that correspond to no results.
    So: If B9 is empty OptionButton3 is hidden.

    Thanks in advance.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
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    Re: Hide/Display radio buttons

    Hi no_Fate,

    you made it extra complex to help you for various reasons :
    1. Your worksheet is protected and there was no indication of the password in your code (fortunately the old "7-ZIP" trick worked)
    2. There is no logic behind the names of the option buttons and their positions. For option Buttons 2 to Button 8 one could simply add "6" to button number to find the relevant row, but this would not work for buttons 13 and 14.

    Therefore the macro looks slightly more complicated. As it uses the "worksheet change event" you will need to regard where to place it in VBE:

    The macro must not be placed in a "normal" module but in the code module of the "Reference Guide" Sheet object. To create a worksheet Change event: use the Visual Basic Editor -> in the Project Explorer, double click on the appropriate sheet (under 'Microsoft Excel Objects' which is under the VBAProject/name of your workbook) -> in the Code window, select "Worksheet" from the left-side "General" drop-down menu and then select "Change" from the right-side "Declarations" drop-down menu. enter the below macro into the "Worksheet_Change" macro. Don't forget to adjust the Password!

    Const PW = "YourPassword"
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
        Dim rng As Range
        Dim Shp As Shape
        Dim CorespondingRow As Integer
        Set rng = Sheet1.Range("b3")
        If Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        Sheet1.Unprotect PW
        For Each Shp In Sheet1.Shapes
            If Left(Shp.Name, 6) = "Option" Then
                Select Case Shp.Name
                Case "Option Button 2"
                    CorespondingRow = 8
                Case "Option Button 3"
                    CorespondingRow = 9
                Case "Option Button 4"
                    CorespondingRow = 10
                Case "Option Button 5"
                    CorespondingRow = 11
                Case "Option Button 6"
                    CorespondingRow = 12
                Case "Option Button 7"
                    CorespondingRow = 13
                Case "Option Button 8"
                    CorespondingRow = 14
                Case "Option Button 13"
                    CorespondingRow = 15
                Case "Option Button 14"
                    CorespondingRow = 16
                End Select
                If Sheet1.Range("B" & CorespondingRow).Value = Empty Then
                    Shp.Visible = False
                    Shp.Visible = True
                End If
            End If
    End Sub
    Let me know if it works as expected!

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  3. #3
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    Re: Hide/Display radio buttons

    Hi Fettertiger

    I'm sorry for all that
    The sheet is protected to unable other cells to be selected... I just forgot to tell you the password, which is "pass".
    The complicated part is there because, as you can imagine, I'm not an expert on VBA so I just place there what seams to make sense... sometimes wrong, I believe

    This is working perfectly! Thank you so much!
    I just added a "Sheet1.Protect" to you code, changed the buttons names and compiled all the copy macros.

    Reference Guide.xlsm

    Can I just ask one more thing?
    When I click a radio button the text is copied and I can paste it anywhere except another excel file. Somehow the clipboard is "cleaned".
    Is there something (wrong) in my modules that is causing this?

    Once again, thanks a lot!

  4. #4
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    Re: Hide/Display radio buttons

    Hi no_Fate,

    the reason for the strange behavior is that the cells which are copied by your macro are outside of the accesible area. Rather than using the "copy" command you could add the following function to add text to clipboard:

    Function PutData2ClipBoard(strText As String)
        Dim objData As New MSForms.DataObject
        objData.SetText strText
    End Function
    The option Button Subs would need to be adjusted accordingly:
    Sub OptionButton3_Click()
        Range("L2").Value = Range("E9").Value
        PutData2ClipBoard (Sheet1.Range("K3").Value)
    End Sub
    Please note that you forgot to add the "PW" after the protect command. While the sheet is still protected after the macro runs for the first time, the password will no longer be required. I recommend to change Sheet1.Protect to Sheet1.Protect PW

    Let me know if this solves the issue


  5. #5
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    Re: Hide/Display radio buttons

    Hi Theo,

    It’s working beautifully! Thank you so much!


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