Hi Everyone,

I'm using this code to paste my formulas from Column I to M:

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Cells(Cells.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
Range("I7615").Formula = "=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A7615,NAMES,2,0),""XX, XXXX"")"
Range("I7615:I" & lastrow).FillDown
Range("I7615:I" & lastrow).Value = Range("I7615:I" & lastrow).Value
Range("J7615").Formula = "=Text(B7615,""yyyy"")"
Range("J7615:J" & lastrow).FillDown
Range("J7615:J" & lastrow).Value = Range("J7615:J" & lastrow).Value
Range("K7615").Formula = "=Text(B7615,""mmmm"")"
Range("K7615:K" & lastrow).FillDown
Range("K7615:K" & lastrow).Value = Range("K7615:K" & lastrow).Value
Range("L7615").Formula = "=""Week""&"" ""&INT((11-WEEKDAY(B7615-1)+DAY(B7615))/7)"
Range("L7615:L" & lastrow).FillDown
Range("L7615:L" & lastrow).Value = Range("L7615:L" & lastrow).Value
Range("M7615").Formula = "=Text(B7615,""dddd"")"
Range("M7615:M" & lastrow).FillDown
Range("M7615:M" & lastrow).Value = Range("M7615:M" & lastrow).Value

it's working fine; however, I want the formula to be pasted on the next empty cell in the range.

So essentially if A7800 is not empty and I7800 to M7800 is empty - then the formula would be pasted on these cells without touching i7615 to M7615 (start of range).

Any help is appreciated.
