I have this code that is ran from an excel workbook:
Sub Export_Shift()
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "S:\Production reports\" & Replace(Range("G3").Value, "/", "-") & "-" & Range("G5").Value, _
FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook, CreateBackup:=False
End Sub
Now i want to go a step further and create a backup of an ACCESS file. Say access file "Database" in "C:\Database" i want to have a copy saved in "C:\Backup" with a naming scheme like Replace(Range("G3").Value (Database 03-30-15 for example). If not Replace(Range("G3").Value then just todays date would be fine.
I know that this isnt directly related to excel, but i want this to happen every time i run the code above in my excel workbook. Is it possible? Thanks