I have a daily report that's split by 3 or 4 people for processing. I can create an input message box or cell with a formula to count and divide the data, but I am unsure of how to create code that will execute the split based on all the factors I've listed below.
- The number of rows and people can vary daily
- Macro needs to count the number of data rows, divide it equally then split into multiple workbooks.
- The data range is dynamic and can be quite large, anywhere from 7k to over 10k rows.
- Column A is fine for counting # of rows - named range = UNIT_ID
- Entire data range (Col. A-AX) has a named range = DATA_1
- Header row is Row 1
Bonus request: After the data is processed, it will then need to be combined back into one sheet.
Can anyone offer a solution please?