When you are trying to enter a formula that uses R1C1 notation you need to use FormulaR1C1 instead of Formula.
When you are trying to enter a formula that uses R1C1 notation you need to use FormulaR1C1 instead of Formula.
If posting code please use code tags, see here.
You mean like this:
I tried the above..but its still not working..![]()
Sheets(1).Range("C6" & "C" & LRow1).FormulaR1C1 = "= IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(RC[7],Sheet2!R4C2:R" & Lrow2 & "C2,1,FALSE)),RC[7],HYPERLINK(CELL(" & """address""" & ",INDEX(Sheet2!R4C2:" & "R" & Lrow2 & "C2,MATCH(RC[7],Sheet2!R4C2:" & "R" & Lrow2 & "C2,0))),RC[7]))"
If possible, can you help me in re-writing this formula into vba?
Last edited by bagadiamohit; 03-25-2015 at 03:42 AM.
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