I'm working on a project where I need to find the sum of different categories. And there is some exeptions.
It is all typed into the same sheet.
Sorting and finding subtotal is not enough. I tried with pivot, but I could not make it work.
First the exeption. If a row in collum G contains anything (numbers or characters), the data from that row will not be added to the sum.
Collum C contains how many of a thing and collum E contains the value of 1 of that thing. I need the product from each row that is not in the exeption for later.
Collum B contains a category. It can be A, C, G, P, S, U, V or W. Sometimes it is blank, these are for getting a better overview .
Ex. I need to be able to see the sum of the product from all labeled with category V without including rows that have a note in collum G.