At this point it's going to be better if you attach your file. Otherwise I am going to have to create a file and try to imagine what yours looks like, which would take a lot of time.
To attach a file:
- Under the text box where you type your reply click the Go Advanced button.
- In the next screen look above the reply box and click the "paper clip" icon. You will get a pop-up screen.
- In the pop-up, click Add then Select to select a file from your local drive
- Click the Upload button to upload the file
- Click Done to attach it.
It will be displayed as an attachment underneath your post text. Alternatively as the last step you can click the Insert Inline button and a hyperlink to the file will be inserted directly into your post text in the spot where your cursor is set at the moment you click the button.
Here are step-by-step instructions with screen shots