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Auto copy pest data from sheet 1 to sheet 2

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    Auto copy pest data from sheet 1 to sheet 2

    HI I need a help in coding

    I have a spreadsheet which linked with a web page through DATA menu from web
    So every time it gave me a new data or sometimes blank when it got refresh automatically.

    I want to copy the entire row if any line of “A” is start with the word “View” (if there is a data) and past it in sheet2, the problem what I am facing is
    every time when it got refresh if the web page is not having any data or updated with new data then my sheet 1 (where I link the web page) is coming as blank or only with new data ,but I want all the previous details also ,
    So is there any code by which I can immediately save all the rows which is beginning with the word “View “ in “A1” in the 2nd Sheet and 2nd time whenever there is any changes in 1st sheet it should captured automatically in the 2nd sheet along with the previous data.

    Last edited by arindamsenaxa; 02-24-2015 at 03:13 AM.

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