Hello everyone,

So yesterday I started building a worksheet that will be used for tracking a vast amount of data. The workbook currently has 4 sheets for each type of scenario defined in column E. I have coding so that anytime a cell in column E changes its value to a specific word, the row from A-F only, gets automatically copied to the corresponding worksheet. For example, if something is set to "Resolved" the information is copied to the "Resolved" sheet and deleted from the previous sheet. What I am looking to do, if possible, is create a command button entitled "Calculate" that when clicked on lets you select a date to calculate all the data in the workbook from sheets 1-4. Column A in my workbook has dates of when customers purchased service. I want to be able to push that command button every day at any time and calculate everything in my entire workbook in sheets 1-4 from any date at my choosing, and have it copy to a 5th sheet named "Daily". I have found some code that copies everything in all my workbooks to the summary page, but am unable to get it so that I can choose so that only a certain date is copied over. I am very new to VBA and am hoping to learn more throughout my experiences here. Fortunately I had an issue yesterday that was resolved so I appreciate any and all help. Thank you