Hi subby,
Try the following tested and working code:
Sub FindMax()
'MAX is an Excel KEYWORD. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use Excel KEYWORDS as variables or function/Sub names.
Dim r As Range
Dim rw5 As Long
For rw5 = 17 To 46
Set r = Cells(rw5, 11)
If r.Value - Cells(7, 6) <= 20 And r.Value - Cells(7, 6) > 0 Then
r.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
r.Font.Color = vbBlack
r.Font.Bold = True
End If
Next rw5
'Clear object pointer
Set r = Nothing
End Sub
a. By eliminating 'Select', the other cell was not highlighted.
b. When you had if ... then on the same line, Excel thought the if statement was completed.
It takes a lot more space, but I almost always use the following if construction:
If a = b then
c = d