Hello, would someone care to give me some guidance on this?
I need a macro to reorganise some data.
I work only with one sheet ('Sheet1')
Column AE (Phone_Type_1) is a list of either 'Phone', 'Email', 'Landline'or'Mobile'.
Column AF (Phone_number_1) contains the actual email addresses and phone numbers.

At the moment I have two columns, one with phone type and another with phone number, I need 3 columns with phone types (mobile, landline, email - as headers) with phone values in rows.

I've crated part of the code to add new columns with headers phone, mobile, landline etc and now I need to do the conditional copy & paste.

e.g. if phone type (column AE) = 'email' copy and paste to column AC
if phone type (column AE) = 'Mobile' copy and paste to column AA

I've written simple macros before, but this one (even with the help of examples I've found) is a little beyond me.

Any help would be appreciated.
