Ok, so I've uploaded an example.
First case is when the filer for column B(FG) is not set and all the rows are shown. So if I write a value in column D, for example, you will see that columns AG,AI and AK completes automatically based on a macro.
The second case is when I filer column B.So I go to text filter, select contains and write for example BARK5803100P-LF-M02 . Now if I change value in column D, the columns AG,AI and AK will update very slow.
The third case is if I filter column B for contains lets say BARK5.Now if I change the value from column D for the first rows, everything works perfect. But if I change it for the last row, it works very slow again. The same thing even if I try to select some cells from that row(so no macro implied).
I hope that I was clear.
Thanks again