Hello guys,
I have a problem with an excel file and I cannot find a solution.
So I have a sheet with 3500 rows and a macro that completes columns AG,AI and AK based on value from column D.Macro will launch every time a value in column D is changed (I'm using function Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ).
Everything works perfect except when I filter the rows. When I filter by an unique value (so only a row remains in my selection), the macro works very slow. And not only the macro, even if I try to select that row, the excel moves slowly.
If I filter by a multiple value (for example remains 5-6 rows), only on the last row or last two rows macro and selection works slowly.
I'm not an expert in excel and I cannot find the problem. Why an excel would work slowly only on filtering and only on some specific rows? That make sense for somebody?
Thanks in advance