I'm developing a dance competition application, using Excel 2010, and have so far managed to put judges' marked scores into a worksheet through a userform.
Now I would like to make the worksheet more presentable as a scoreboard, as you would manually, but via VBA scripts.
This is the abbreviated version of how I'd like the end result to look like. (The real-life version of it attached here SampleBeforeAfter.xlsx)
Exhibit Numbers are unique identifiers (per competition) for contestants and each contestant is typically judged by three judges. The scores in three separate categories (Columns C, D & E in above example) from one judge would spread in one row so each contestant would have three rows.
I would like to write macro to merge rows of columns where the totals from the judges go for each contestant.
I've read in different threads that merging cells isn't recommended, particularly if you are going to sort and I am considering sorting.
What alternatives are more feasible and manageable in this case?
I've extracted the real-life worksheets here. SampleBeforeAfter.xlsx You can see the original and my desired outcome (done manually) in the same file.
NB: This is the result from unofficial competition and there are more than three judges per contestant.
Could someone please help?
Many thanks.
Maki Koyama (Canberra, AUS)