Hi All,

I am new here and was hoping that someone might be able to help me with a VBA issue I am having. I just started learning VBA and can't seem to get this to work.

I have a list of days in Column A , and a Total in column B.

What I need is for a macro to look at C3:C25 and if this is = 0 Or IsEmpty then to Hide the entire column C. Then for this to Loop to (D3:25) and (E3:E25) and so on untill the end of the sheet. (up to column JA)

Once new information is pasted to the sheet on the following day, eg. Day 6. Then for the column to unhide if there is an integer (that is not zero) now present in the Range.

Can anyone help me with this problem? It would be greatly appreciated.

I have attached an example sheet with a scaled down version of what my sheet looks like.Example Sheet.xlsm

Thank you very much.