i have multiple pages at the same worksheet and i need to put macro button for each page
how to make this macro print the page which has the active cell
thanks in advance.
i have multiple pages at the same worksheet and i need to put macro button for each page
how to make this macro print the page which has the active cell
thanks in advance.
Hi meonly,
Try this, I have to admit I didn't test it well since my free time is limited today, but I believe this should work? You will need to adjust the sheet name in the code to the name of the sheet you are working in.
Sub meonly123() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim hbr As Long Dim vbr As Long Dim mypage As Integer Set rng = ActiveCell Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1") 'change to the sheet name you need to or use set ws = activesheet is probably better ws.DisplayPageBreaks = True For i = 1 To ws.HPageBreaks.Count If ws.HPageBreaks(i).Location.Row <= rng.Row Then hbr = i Next i For j = 1 To ws.VPageBreaks.Count If ws.VPageBreaks(j).Location.Column <= rng.Column Then vbr = j Next j If ws.PageSetup.Order = xlDownThenOver Then mypage = ((ws.HPageBreaks.Count + 1) * vbr) + hbr + 1 Else mypage = ((ws.VPageBreaks.Count + 1) * hbr) + vbr + 1 End If ws.PrintOut from:=mypage, to:=mypage End Sub
Last edited by Arkadi; 01-21-2015 at 05:18 PM.
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Edit: nevermind, read post incorrectly.
stnkynts, I assumed he wanted only a specific page within the worksheet's pages? I really overcomplicated if not, lol.
I don't get an error with Arkadi's code, it seems to be fairly sound. Here is another way of doing the same (Arkadi's code is actually a little more encompassing but may be more than you need)
Sub Print_ActiveCell_Sheet() Dim x As Integer With ActiveSheet Do x = x + 1 Loop Until x = .HPageBreaks.Count Or ActiveCell.Row < .HPageBreaks(x).Location.Row End With ActiveSheet.PrintOut From:=x, to:=x End Sub
Stnkynts any time you see flaws or inefficient code from me, I'm always happy to hear about it, love to learn![]()
Thanks stnkynts
I could not figure out the reason for the error, I don't get it either when I try. I did not fully test, but did run the macro a few times without error. That said, I don't think I tried it when the sheet is completely empty...
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