I am need of expert help on VBA Code

I have a Data Entry form that I want to populate specific cells on the worksheet when the enter button is pressed. My format on the worksheet where I need the data is as such:

Part Number - C5 and below
Description - H5 and below
Supplier - Y5 and below
Supplier Part Number - AD5 and Below
Package Cost - AL5 and Below
Package Quantity - AO5 and Below
Sell As Quantity - AR5

Here is the Kicker. When Inserting the New part into the worksheet I need it to Insert into a row alpha/numeric in the Part Number Column. (Column C) Example Part# EQASHP0025

There are many other Columns of data on the worksheet, but they are not part of the New Part Entry Form. However, I need the Field on the form to match the proper columns as I outlined above.

Does anyone have code that would do the trick?

Also, I would Like to use the same Form to search and choose Quantities of Parts as well. Should I add Column B5 and below to the list above since I will need to enter the Quantity of parts needed when selecting parts for an estimate? Or would adding the QTY Needed to the part entry form create a problem when entering the new item? Hope that part made sense.
