Assume columns C & E shall not be split; B, D & F are split
Option Explicit
Sub Split_BDF()
Dim ArrPtr As Long, _
RecCount As Long, _
MaxBD As Long, _
DestRow As Long, _
Split_B() As String, _
Split_D() As String, _
Split_F() As String, _
TestCell As Variant, _
DEST As Worksheet, _
SOURCE As Worksheet
Set SOURCE = Sheets("Sheet1")
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
ActiveSheet.Name = "WorkSpace"
Set DEST = ActiveSheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
RecCount = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
For Each TestCell In .Range("A1:A" & RecCount)
'columns B, D & F shall be split
Split_B = Split(TestCell.Offset(columnoffset:=1).Value, ",")
Split_D = Split(TestCell.Offset(columnoffset:=3).Value, ",")
Split_F = Split(TestCell.Offset(columnoffset:=5).Value, ",")
'get the larger upper bound of the two arrays
MaxBD = WorksheetFunction.Max(UBound(Split_B), UBound(Split_D), UBound(Split_F))
'make both arrays same size
'the previously smaller one will have a blank last element
ReDim Preserve Split_B(0 To MaxBD)
ReDim Preserve Split_D(0 To MaxBD)
ReDim Preserve Split_F(0 To MaxBD)
For ArrPtr = 0 To MaxBD
DestRow = DestRow + 1
'write column A, C & E once only for each group
If ArrPtr = 0 Then
DEST.Cells(DestRow, "A").Value = TestCell.Value
DEST.Cells(DestRow, "C").Value = TestCell.Offset(columnoffset:=2).Value
DEST.Cells(DestRow, "E").Value = TestCell.Offset(columnoffset:=4).Value
End If
'write all array elements
DEST.Cells(DestRow, "B").Value = Split_B(ArrPtr)
DEST.Cells(DestRow, "D").Value = Split_D(ArrPtr)
DEST.Cells(DestRow, "F").Value = Split_F(ArrPtr)
Next ArrPtr
Next TestCell
End With 'SOURCE
End Sub