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Run-Time Error 1004 on Certain Machines

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    Forum Contributor yay_excel's Avatar
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    Run-Time Error 1004 on Certain Machines

    We have a macro-enabled template which has been working fine on all machines in the office for ages. Recently, on certain machines only, it has produced "Run-time error 1004: Unable to get the Object property of the OLEObject class."

    It works on one machine with Windows 7 Professional installed running the Home & Business 2013 version of Excel. It does not work on another Windows 7 Pro machine running the Professional Plus 2013 version of Excel.

    The code which seems to be producing the error:

    Option Explicit
    Dim ComboBoxes() As New ITEM_COMBOBOXES
    Sub InitializeBoxClass()
        Dim Obj As OLEObject
        Dim ComboBox_Count As Integer
        For Each Obj In PO_CREATION_WS.OLEObjects
            If TypeName(Obj.Object) = "ComboBox" Then  'DEBUGGER HIGHLIGHTS THIS LINE
                ComboBox_Count = ComboBox_Count + 1
                ReDim Preserve ComboBoxes(1 To ComboBox_Count)
                Set ComboBoxes(ComboBox_Count).ITEM_COMBOBOXES = Obj.Object
                Obj.ListFillRange = "ITEM_LIST"
            End If
       Next Obj
    End Sub
    I have tried referencing the OLEObjects by their index numbers instead of as a collection. This produces another error (not the same error as before). I have tried activating each OLEObject prior to retrieving its properties; another error code. I have tried adjusting the security settings in many different ways with no luck.

    Does anyone have any idea what went wrong?

    (Just in case, here is the ITEM_COMBOBOXES class)
    Option Explicit
    Public WithEvents ITEM_COMBOBOXES As MSForms.ComboBox
    Private Sub ITEM_COMBOBOXES_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
    With ActiveSheet
        Select Case KeyCode
        Case vbKeyTab
                If Me.ITEM_COMBOBOXES.Index = 3 Then 'FIRST BOX SELECTED
                    .OLEObjects(.OLEObjects.Count).Activate 'GO TO END
                Else 'NOT FIRST BOX, MOVE BACK ONE
                    .OLEObjects(Me.ITEM_COMBOBOXES.Index - 1).Activate
                End If
                If Me.ITEM_COMBOBOXES.Index = .OLEObjects.Count Then 'LAST BOX SELECTED
                    .OLEObjects(3).Activate 'GO TO TOP
                Else 'NOT LAST BOX, MOVE FORWARD ONE
                    .OLEObjects(Me.ITEM_COMBOBOXES.Index + 1).Activate
                End If
            End If
        Case vbKeyLeft
            Range("A" & Me.ITEM_COMBOBOXES.Index - 1).Activate
        Case vbKeyRight
            Range("C" & Me.ITEM_COMBOBOXES.Index - 1).Activate
        Case vbKeyDelete
            Me.ITEM_COMBOBOXES.Value = ""
        End Select
    End With
    End Sub
    Last edited by yay_excel; 01-17-2015 at 01:40 PM.

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