Good afternoon
I would like some help to change the below macro so it runs every hour at the hour
Thanks in advance
Sub Macro1()
' Generated by the Reflection Macro Recorder on 01-09-2015 15:22:01.22.
' Generated by Reflection for UNIX and OpenVMS 14.0.
' Print the screens at the hour
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim CR As String ' Chr(rcCR) = Chr(13) = Control-M
Dim ESC As String ' Chr(rcESC) = Chr(27) = Control-[
CR = Chr(Reflection2.ControlCodes.rcCR)
ESC = Chr(Reflection2.ControlCodes.rcESC)
With Session
.StatusBar = "Waiting for Prompt: Totals 11794 489319576 412 564 12739 7231 24700 734 1979"
.WaitForString ESC & "[0$}", NEVER_TIME_OUT, rcAllowKeystrokes
.StatusBar = ""
' Press VtPf1 (Perform the VT terminal PF1 function).
.TransmitTerminalKey rcVtPF1Key
.StatusBar = "Waiting for Prompt: Use <Next> or <Prev> to view other order types"
.WaitForString ESC & "[24;1HUse <Next> or <Prev> to view other order types", NEVER_TIME_OUT, rcAllowKeystrokes
.StatusBar = ""
' Press VtF13 (Perform the Vt F13 function (LF)).
.TransmitTerminalKey rcVtF13Key
.WaitForString ESC & "[0;1;3'{", NEVER_TIME_OUT, rcAllowKeystrokes
.Transmit "D"
.WaitForString ESC & "[0;1;3'{", NEVER_TIME_OUT, rcAllowKeystrokes
' Press CursorUp (Move the cursor up one line).
.TransmitTerminalKey rcVtUpKey
.WaitForString ESC & "[0;1;3'{", NEVER_TIME_OUT, rcAllowKeystrokes
.Transmit CR
.StatusBar = "Waiting for Prompt: Use <Next> or <Prev> to view other order types"
.WaitForString ESC & "[24;1HUse <Next> or <Prev> to view other order types", NEVER_TIME_OUT, rcAllowKeystrokes
.StatusBar = ""
End With
Exit Sub
Session.MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly
' Recording stopped at 15:23:50.31.
End Sub