If you want to specify each range like that you are going to need to use the Union property. Very tedious but it will work
If answer1 = vbYes Then
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BAPX CALCULATIONS")
Dim rng As Range
With ws
Set rng = Union(.Range("AC7:AC5000"), .Range("AF7:AF5000"), .Range("AI7, AI5000")) 'all your ranges go here
End With
End If
Another option would be to incorporate a looping structure if there is consistency amongst your columns. I have given you an example, up to you to make sure it works for your data set
If answer1 = vbYes Then
For i = 29 To 80 Step 3 'Column AC to CB every 3 columns
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BAPX CALCULATIONS").Cells(7, i).Resize(4993, 1).ClearContents
Next i
For i = 80 To 84 Step 2 'Column CB to CF every 2 columns
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BAPX CALCULATIONS").Cells(7, i).Resize(4993, 1).ClearContents
Next i
For i = 87 To 134 Step 3 'Column CI to ED every 3 columns
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("BAPX CALCULATIONS").Cells(7, i).Resize(4993, 1).ClearContents
Next i
End If