Hi Team,
I need to compare two sheets on same workbook and find missing rows on which sheet and need to write in log (example : text file).
Please advice how to do it?
Anand R
Hi Team,
I need to compare two sheets on same workbook and find missing rows on which sheet and need to write in log (example : text file).
Please advice how to do it?
Anand R
Sorry to add one info..
if row count is not matches in any of the sheet then i need to write a log in text file on which sheet the rows are missing
Please advice how to do it?
Anand R
hi team,
Any luck?
Anand R
Hi Team,
I have attached the excel document in this reply.
Anand R
Sub anandrajagopal() Dim rcell As Range Dim x As Long Dim y As Long Sheets("Compared").Rows(1).Value = Sheets("TD").Rows(1).Value Sheets("Compared").Rows(1).Font.Bold = True x = Sheets("TD").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row y = Sheets("DB2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row If y > x Then With Sheets("TD") For Each rcell In .Range("A2:H" & y) If rcell.Value <> Sheets("DB2").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) Then Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) = "FALSE" Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Else Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) = "TRUE" End If Next rcell End With End If If x > y Then With Sheets("DB2") For Each rcell In .Range("A2:H" & x) If rcell.Value <> Sheets("TB").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) Then Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) = "FALSE" Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Else Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) = "TRUE" End If Next rcell End With End If End Sub
Thanks for you code.. it is working fine...
But my requirement is that i need to get the missed rows and log into text files and saying that DB2 or Teradata rows are missing.
Anand R
Sorry I'm a little confused. Can you post a sample of what your Compare sheet should actually look like when the macro is run? Or am I still not getting it?
Hi John
PFA my sample document. In our scenerio, we have dynamic columns in each workbook and not specified to fixed number of columns. So we need dynamic used range columns to validate.
If sheets DB2 and TD will always have the same amount of columns then maybe this will work for you?
Sub anandrajagopal() Dim rcell As Range Dim x As Long Dim y As Long Dim z As Long Sheets("Compared").Rows(1).Value = Sheets("TD").Rows(1).Value Sheets("Compared").Rows(1).Font.Bold = True z = Sheets("TD").Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column x = Sheets("TD").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row y = Sheets("DB2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(3).Row If y > x Then With Sheets("TD") For Each rcell In .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(y, z)) If rcell.Value <> Sheets("DB2").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) Then Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) = "FALSE" Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Else Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) = "TRUE" End If Next rcell End With End If If x > y Then With Sheets("DB2") For Each rcell In .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(x, z)) If rcell.Value <> Sheets("TB").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) Then Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) = "FALSE" Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Else Sheets("Compared").Cells(rcell.Row, rcell.Column) = "TRUE" End If Next rcell End With End If End Sub
Hi John,
BTW, how to log missing rows in text file for the above scenario?
as per my understandings for the above code, you are comparing the 2 sheets TD and DB2 with value and assigning the value to compared sheet. But my requirement is that i need to get the missed rows and log into text files and saying that DB2 or Teradata rows are missing.
Can you help on this?
Anand R
Last edited by anandrajagopal; 01-17-2015 at 11:01 AM.
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