Im lost as to what your trying to accomplish but maybe this will work

Type ArrayIndex
 cellAddress As String
 colIndex As Long
 rowIndex As Long
End Type

Sub MovRngToArr()
 Dim MyArr() As ArrayIndex
 ReDim MyArr(1)
 For Each Cll In Range("C4:E6")
    With MyArr(UBound(MyArr))
        .rowIndex = Cll.Row
        .colIndex = Cll.Column
        .cellAddress = Cll.Address
    End With
   ReDim Preserve MyArr(UBound(MyArr) + 1)
 Next Cll
 ReDim Preserve MyArr(UBound(MyArr) - 1)
 For i = 1 To UBound(MyArr)
    MsgBox "Cell Address is " & MyArr(i).cellAddress & _
    vbCrLf & "Row Index is " & MyArr(i).rowIndex & _
    vbCrLf & "Column Index is " & MyArr(i).colIndex
End Sub