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Vba code to filter data excluding running year

  1. #1
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    Vba code to filter data excluding running year

    hello frdzzzz...

    Hey i want a lil help.
    Actually i am trying to filter data but i don't want current year.

    can some1 help me with the code...

    plsss help..

  2. #2
    Forum Expert Vikas_Gautam's Avatar
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    Re: Vba code to filter data excluding running year

    As you haven't provided any worksheet to work with, so I make an example as you said.
    I have used advanced filter technique with Formula as Condition.
    Click the button it will list the non current year Dates.
    Here is the required code:-
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  3. #3
    Forum Guru sktneer's Avatar
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    Re: Vba code to filter data excluding running year

    As Vikas said, you have not provided a sample workbook so hard to guess what exactly you are trying to achieve but see if this is the case.

    Assuming you have dates in column A and start from A2, then you can create a helper column with a formula =Year(A2) and then try the below code to filter the data as per your requirement.
    The below code also creates a helper column with the =Year() formula in col. AA.

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  4. #4
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    Re: Vba code to filter data excluding running year

    Hey Guyzz thanks

    i regret for not to provide in detailed.

    thanks for your help

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