Hello and Happy New Year Excel Geniuses!
I have constructed a code that I gathered from some other work I have performed and I am really close to having it do what I want.
Attached are two files (FileToOpen & FileWithVBA).
On FileToOpen there are two tabs with data "Before" and "After"
On FileWithVBA there are the same tabs, but there is no data save for the headers of the columns.
There is a button on FileWithVBA that when clicked, asks the user to open a file. If you select FileToOpen it will run code and then it will ask you again to open a file (click FileToOpen again) and when this is completed, the information from FileToOpen will be transported to FileWithVBA.
What I am trying to accomplish is I want FileWithVBA to complete BOTH codes with only clicking the file one time. I have tried a variety of codes and keep getting errors about already compiling or naming components.
If you save the two files and run the code, you will see what I mean by clicking the FileToOpen more than once.
Couple things:
1.) Can't create code with "FileToOpen" in the code because the name of the file for this code will be different for each person, hence why I need to have the user select a file.
2.) Can't transport the sheet because I need the information copy and pasted, not moved.
if someone can figure out how to make both run without selecting the file twice, I would be super appreciative! Thanks for looking!
Thank you!!!