
I have couple of thousand files to combine from an inherited database but I wish certain files to merge with others ie file1.pdf and file1-1.pdf for example to become one pdf only and file2.pdf and file 2-1.pdf to combine so from 4 files I have file1.pdf and file2.pdf.

Any ideas or suggestions are most welcomed.

I have included what I have been working on so far.

Thank you

Sub MergePDFs()
' Reference required: "VBE - Tools - References - Acrobat"
  ' --> Settings, change to suit
  Const MyPath = "C:\Temp"            ' Path where PDF files are stored
   Const MyFiles = "1.pdf,2.pdf,3.pdf"  ' List of PDFs to ne merged
  Const DestFile = "MergedFile.pdf"   ' The name of the merged file
  ' <-- End of settings
  Dim a As Variant, i As Long, n As Long, ni As Long, p As String
  Dim AcroApp As New Acrobat.AcroApp, PartDocs() As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc
  If Right(MyPath, 1) = "\" Then p = MyPath Else p = MyPath & "\"
  a = Split(MyFiles, ",")
  ReDim PartDocs(0 To UBound(a))
  On Error GoTo exit_
  If Len(Dir(p & DestFile)) Then Kill p & DestFile
  For i = 0 To UBound(a)
    ' Check PDF file presence
    If Dir(p & Trim(a(i))) = "" Then
      MsgBox "File not found" & vbLf & p & a(i), vbExclamation, "Canceled"
      Exit For
    End If
    ' Open PDF document
    Set PartDocs(i) = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")
    PartDocs(i).Open p & Trim(a(i))
    If i Then
      ' Merge PDF to PartDocs(0) document
      ni = PartDocs(i).GetNumPages()
      If Not PartDocs(0).InsertPages(n - 1, PartDocs(i), 0, ni, True) Then
        MsgBox "Cannot insert pages of" & vbLf & p & a(i), vbExclamation, "Canceled"
      End If
      ' Calc the number of pages in the merged document
      n = n + ni
      ' Release the memory
      Set PartDocs(i) = Nothing
      ' Calc the number of pages in PartDocs(0) document
      n = PartDocs(0).GetNumPages()
    End If
  If i > UBound(a) Then
    ' Save the merged document to DestFile
    If Not PartDocs(0).Save(PDSaveFull, p & DestFile) Then
      MsgBox "Cannot save the resulting document" & vbLf & p & DestFile, vbExclamation, "Canceled"
    End If
  End If
  ' Inform about error/success
  If Err Then
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error #" & Err.Number
  ElseIf i > UBound(a) Then
    MsgBox "The resulting file is created:" & vbLf & p & DestFile, vbInformation, "Done"
  End If
  ' Release the memory
  If Not PartDocs(0) Is Nothing Then PartDocs(0).Close
  Set PartDocs(0) = Nothing
  ' Quit Acrobat application
  Set AcroApp = Nothing
End Sub