B29 Macro Question.xlsx

Hi great contributors -

I'm having a terrible time trying to create a macro to do the following:
- Copy a fixed row of cells (B29:AD29)
- paste it to the next empty row (starting at C30:AD30 and on into infinity)
- clear the value of the fixed row cells B29:AD29

I have a macro button in B29, dropdown data validation box in c29, hidden column in column d, hyperlinked vlookup reference in e29, text formatted data cell in f29, macro buttons in g29 and h29, nothing in i29, and macro buttons in j29 and k29. then L29 to AD29 are number format data cells. column A is an index number for each data entry line.

basically, i had all these above buttons, dropdowns, and hyperlinks in 500 rows from B29:AD29 to B529:AD529. That made my file size huge and processing slow. Instead, i'm trying to:
1) make cells B29:AD29 my data entry/collection cells, and
2) make cells B30:AD30 to B530:AD530 as my data recording cells.

any help in creating this macro is appreciated.