I have a userform that is a judging score sheet.
There are a couple of judging categories and each category has a few judging items.
I have devised a naming convention for the textboxes for scores that goes something like this...
txt[category name]&"Score"&[No.]
e.g. for "Routine Content" category, there are txtRoutineCategoryScore1 to txtRoutineCategoryScore3
I want to loop through these scores in each category to add up scores and display the category subtotal in a textbox that also bears a name like...
txt[category name]&"Subtotal"
I've searched the ways to count a number of score textboxes that has the same category name but so far hasn't found anything seemingly usable.
Could someone help me on this?

There are also maximum point for each item in a category and this is displayed in a label on the left of the score textbox;
e.g. where lblRoutineContentMaxP1 has a caption "10", the value in txtRoutineCategoryScore1 cannot exceed 10.
How would one write a code to do a validation like this?

Many thanks in advance.
