
I think this is what you need. Sorry I owe you the bold text in the body .

Run the macro called :GenerateMeetingRequests

Main Code:
Sub GenerateMeetingRequests()
    Dim outApp As Object
    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Call TurnExtrasOff
    Set outApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
    lRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    ' Loop through all the rows. Note we start in row 2.
    For i = 2 To lRow
        Call CreateMeetingRequest(outApp, i)
    Next i
    Call TurnExtrasOn
    ' Clean up
    Set outApp = Nothing    
End Sub
Sub to generate the meeting:
Sub CreateMeetingRequest(ByRef outApp As Object, ByVal lRowNumber As Long)
    Dim oMeeting As Object
    Dim arrAttachements As Variant
    Dim i As Long

    Set oMeeting = outApp.CreateItem(1) ' olAppointmentItem
    With oMeeting
        .MeetingStatus = 1 'olMeeting
        .Recipients.Add Cells(lRowNumber, 1).Value
        ' If the receipeient is not in your address outlook will not allow to send it.
        If Not .Recipients.ResolveAll Then GoTo Exit_Handler
        .Subject = Cells(lRowNumber, 4).Value
        .Location = Cells(lRowNumber, 5).Value
        .Start = Cells(lRowNumber, 6).Value
        .End = Cells(lRowNumber, 7).Value
        .Body = Cells(lRowNumber, 8).Value
        ' Add all the attachements if any
        If Not Range("I2").Value = vbNullString Then
            arrAttachements = GetAttachmentsPaths(Cells(lRowNumber, 9).Value)
            ' Loop throught tha array to add the attachements.
            For i = LBound(arrAttachements) To UBound(arrAttachements)
                If DoesFileExist(arrAttachements(i)) Then
                    .Attachments.Add arrAttachements(i)
                End If
            Next i
        End If
        ' Uncomment send and comment display when you are happy
        ' with the results.
    End With


    ' Clean up
    Set oMeeting = Nothing
End Sub
Other function and helper subs:
Function GetAttachmentsPaths(ByVal strInfo As String) As Variant
    Dim ret As Variant
    If Not strInfo = vbNullString Then
        If InStr(1, strInfo, ";") <> 0 Then
            ' Replace the "; " with a more reliable "|" Delimiter
            strInfo = Replace(strInfo, "; ", "|")
            strInfo = Replace(strInfo, ";", "|")
            ' Add the values to an array reparting by "|"
            ret = Split(strInfo, "|")
            ret = Array(strInfo)
        End If
    End If
    ' Return the value
    GetAttachmentsPaths = ret
End Function

Function DoesFileExist(ByVal strFullPath As String) As Boolean
    Dim ret As Boolean
    If Not Dir$(strFullPath) = vbNullString Then
        ret = True
        ret = False
    End If
    ' Return the value.
    DoesFileExist = ret
End Function

Sub TurnExtrasOff()
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        .EnableEvents = False
        .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    End With
End Sub

Sub TurnExtrasOn()
    With Application
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableEvents = True
        .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
    End With
End Sub
I hope this helps

excel-outlook macro.xlsm
