
I have a question. I have 501 sheets in one excel file. Every sheet represent an article. Last sheet #501 have a list of article number with different weeks when they will be sold. I have to put an artticle code at every single sheet from the list and rename this sheet by the name opf article. SO for instance I have such sheet #501 (last one)
article number / week
200005 08
654654 09
123123 08
111222 04
555888 08

So I want to do a week 8. So as result I have to have a name of the tab "200005" instead "tab1" and to have in a cell A6 the numver 20005
the tab2 will be 123123 and will have 123123 in A6. And so on.

Can you help me to solve the problem?

P.S. The renaming feature I did from here by VBA code (because the list of articles is on another separate sheet), but it is a bit bugged and have mistake message (but nevertheless does its job).

Thank you in advance!