It seems of our fifteen work locations, all of our office PC's have Excel 2010 with security set to high. This is a good thing, as some of our users are, to put it gently, computer retarded. This, however is presenting a real challenge for me. On my first attempt to get my worksheet to open (for our company), Excel gave a warning from the Trust Center without any option to Enable Macros... It took the better half of an hour to figure out I had to hit the Office Sign/Options/Trust Center/Trust Center Settings/Trusted Locations... then add my desktop folder. Only then could I load my document with a warning at the top giving me the option to enable macros. There is no other way to even give the option to enable macros until the location is a trusted one. This is so nuts! Isn't there a way to trust a publisher without having to pay $150 annually for a ssl certificate? This seems like a true scam to me. Whats to stop some script kiddy from getting an authentic license and distributing trojaned worksheets?
I find this most absurd because my code did the exact same thing this workbook does; only only reason I switched over was Excel objects kept staying in memory when called as COM objects, I was too lazy to add code passwording / unpasswording the sheet for every button press, and I still had trouble hiding all Excel display headings and getting them back without deleting Excel14.xlb in Roaming, however I could have eventually worked out these kinks. The main roadblock was discovering that to use my program, my clients needed would of had to download a separate .Net SP3 add-on, which would have required me to include that file in my distributable, and write a batch file as an installer to make sure these users didn't mess it all up. This was the point I decided I was already familiar enough with vba from previous dabblings to remake my workbook in record time with all the features I wanted but half the hassle...
And now this!!! I could easily distribute my executable freely without any warning to my clients. If I were a douche, I guess could have trojaned the baloney out of that without any problems or warnings. But now here I am trying to run a legitimate program on my work computers and it won't even run without a marathon session of directions to follow before the warning even pops up giving the option to use macros with said workbook. And to add injury to insult, once this miracle is accomplished (a true miracle with the poor, computer illiterate saps I work with), they have to choose to enable the macros each and every time they use my workbook?!?