Hi All,

Ive been working on some code which mainly retrieves and sorts data for me. I have both code and a userform (with its own code for formatting a combobox and for calling the 'main' macro.

While I was writing and testing the code I was working in personal.xlsb the code worked fine and I'm all happy with it. however I've tried to move it into the 'project' section on the workbook itself as the code reffers to a spredsheet that is saved in a shared location and used by several people in the office and with the festivities looming I'm planning on being out of the office for a few weeks so wont be around to run the code from my personal.xlsb

The problem I'm having now is that when I try running the code from the workbook I'm getting errors. For example, in the userform I have a combobox that is pulling dates from a range on the worksheet. The dates appear fine but once I try to select one I get the 'Compile error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment' error relating to a bit of code that keeps the values in date format (see below)

Sub ComboBox1LIVE_Change()

ComboBox1LIVE.Value = Format(ComboBox1LIVE.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy")

End Sub
Also if i remove this code (that I dont really want to do, not least because I hate not knowing what the issue is) I get the same error in the main body of code that is also formatting data (i.e. formatting text):

namea = ActiveCell.Value
namea = Format((ActiveCell.Text), "############################")
I'm really frustrated as it worked fine before I moved it and have already renamed the macros to avoid VBA getting confused with different macros/procedures with the same name.

Any help would be really appreciated as I've tried google and had little help there, have had this issue before and not been able to solve it so gave up last time and dont want to do the same again here

