Thank you for going into depth with your reply. I appreciate it, since I have learned a lot more that way not just with what works, but understanding the computational advantage with regards to "selecting" files. Hopefully it will help others in the future as well. Looking at what you have illustrated, I believe I understand more about formulas and Column references.
Correct me if i am wrong, but it seems my issue is that I wanted to apply too many operations at once. If I want to have an mathematical or logical action done as entry to a formula's value to be inputted to the sheet there won't be an issue. However, when attempting to format the sheet, such as in my case with columns, only an integer can be inputted to the called command. So rather than using:
I will have to make a variable for each value to be called, instead of having this operation done as a nest within a single statement. So in actuality, something along these lines should be done, using one of the methods you illustrated:
In this case, the columns chosen on the left hand side in the parentheses of ".Columns()" will be bound in the range to the right of the second value of ".Resize()", taking the entire array since no value way called. Then this contained range has its Hidden Boolean adjusted by the statement at the end. Testing this, I was able to make the code work, but I want to make sure I am understanding correctly. 
Thank you again for all your help so far!