Hello everyone,

I am new in the forum and in I've been working with VBA only for a couple of month. I need your help with an issue (probably an silly one).

I have one list of parameter on one sheet (sheet1) and in another sheet (sheet2) I have another list with only some parameters. What I need is to match values from the two lists and return an adjacent value from sheet2 to sheet1. In sheet1 the parameters are in column A and in sheet2 the parameters are in row 2. Until now I have this:

Sub Macro()

On Error Resume Next
For Repeat = 5 To 2884
With Range("B" & Repeat)
If Not (IsError(Application.Match(.Offset(0, -1).Text, Sheets("Matrix").Rows(2), 0))) Then
.Value = "-"
End If
End With
Next Repeat

End Sub

It works perfectly but the only problem is that returns the value = "-" and what I want is to return the values in row 3 from sheet 2 where the parameters match, like using an ActiveCell.Offset(,0) (something like that). I tried everything and nothing. I know that probably it is easy but I am new in this world and I hope you can help.
I hope I explained clearly enough.

Cheers guys!