Hello I'm trying to create pop up message that would come on if any part of the sheet "ANZ Purchase Requisition V2.6" has statement "MUST SUBMIT SAMPLE eNPI"
It worked and then it stopped working when I moved it to a new tab. of course I changed the tab name... Is it the range?
I have no idea I'm quite new to VBA coding.
please help!

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Set oWs = Worksheets("ANZ Purchase Requisition V2.6")
Set oRngCheck = Range("B2", Range("HO200").End(xlUp))

Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each oCl In oRngCheck
If InStr(oCl, "MUST SUBMIT SAMPLE eNPI") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Please submit SAMPLE eNPI for proper Corporate Regulatory Assessment ", vbCritical, "Flagged for Illegal Logging Law Regulatory Assessment"
Exit Sub
End If
Next oCl
Application.EnableEvents = True

End Sub