Not sure how to best word this.

I've created a macro button that, adds a value of 1 to a specific cell every time it's pushed, it then exports (paste special) a specific range (A1:J50) in the active worksheet to a word doc and saves it as the name of another specified cell. My code is below:

Private Sub Quote_Click()
If IsNumeric(Range("C9")) Then Range("C9") = Range("C9") + 1
Dim WdObj As Object, fname As String
fname = Sheets(1).[b3].Value
Set WdObj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WdObj.Visible = False
WdObj.Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, _
    DataType:=wdPasteText, Placement:= _
    wdInLine, DisplayAsIcon:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
If fname <> "" Then 'make sure fname is not blank
With WdObj
    .ChangeFileOpenDirectory "F:\Aacommon\Joe Signs\Quotes" 'save Dir
    .ActiveDocument.SaveAs Filename:=fname & ".doc"
End With
MsgBox ("File not saved, naming range was botched, guess again.")
End If
With WdObj
End With
Set WdObj = Nothing
End Sub

Once all the above code has run, I'd like to clear the contents of specific ranges of cells but leave other cells alone. Those cells would be:


Everything else needs to be left alone.

Any help so I can achieve that would be amazing.

Also, I'll probably open a new thread once I've figured this out but if any of you reading this are skilled enough perhaps you can help me add in code that will save (not Save As) the Excel doc in it's original name and original location. No prompts required.

Thanks in advance.