Hi I have some code that checks if a specific sheet is located in a specific folder on our network. This folder in question will however change every year, so that means that the code should need to be changed every year.
Instead I would like to type the correct hyperlink In a sheet, and get the code to retreive this adress into the code, thus the user can change the folder, and the code will follow.....

Here's the Code
Public Sub TestFileExistence()
'Macro Purpose: Check if the sheet is in the correct folder!
    If FileFolderExists("\\tellus.company.com\DavWWWRoot\sites\vardepapper\avgiftochersättning\Shared%20Documents\ISK\2014\DEPÅAKT_MASTER.XLSB") Then
        MsgBox "The Sheet is in the correct location!!"
        MsgBox "The Sheet is missing! Fire someone! "
    End If
End Sub
So somewhere in a sheet in the same workbook as this code exists I have a cell with :

Today this only is INFORMATION of what goes in the code.

Instead I would want any change in this cell......if "2014" becomes "2015" for example, to also change in the code.....

Any ideas?
Best regards