Hi Everybody!
I'm trying to copy and paste a single sheet multiple times in the same workbook. I've got some code based on the record macro feature and some help which I'm very grateful for through the forums so far but its not quite doing what I need it to.
What the Macro is doing is good for the first copy (copying sheet1 and creating sheet2 exactly). When I run the macro again it creates sheet3 but copies in sheet2. I think I can see why (the command is telling it to paste in the active sheet) however I don't know how to change that.
What I would like the macro to do eventually is to run when a value is put in cell AH1 of Airborne Fibre Estimation, copy the Sheet1 and paste (based on the column widths) up to the half the value of cell AH1 on Airborne Fibre Estimation, rounded up to next even number.
The Macro
If there is a solution you're willing to share that would be fantastic