Hello, trying to implement a global variable iTable that I can increment/decrement and use its value anytime needed.

1. globalvariables module:

Global iTable As Integer
2. One of my subs that change its value:

Private Sub txtProduct1_Enter()
    iTable = 3
End Sub
3. Sub where I call it with a Select Case

Private Sub populateTxtOnEnter(ByVal copy As String, ByVal iTable As Integer)
    Select Case iTable
    Case 1
        MsgBox "ERROR"
        txtClient.Value = copy
    Case 2
        textTicket.Value = copy
    Case 3
        txtProduct1.Value = copy
    Case 4
        txtSize1.Value = copy
    'Case 5
    'Case 6
    'Case 7
    Case 8
        txtProduct2.Value = copy
    Case 9
        txtSize2.Value = copy
    'Case 10

    End Select
End Sub
Now, altough I enter txtProduct1 TextBox, and my iTable is changed to 3, when the code reachs the Select Case, it always goes Case 1 and displays "ERROR" MsgBox that I created. I ask you why?

I tried a MsgBox on txtProduct1_Enter and it give me iTable = 3.