Hi Everyone,
At the moment my data looks like this
School Child Forename Child Surname Parent Surname Parent DOB Parent NI Eligible school1 cforename1 csurname1 psurname1 1/1/1990 JA123456A Yes school1 cforename2 csurname2 psurname2 JA123456B Missing school2 cforename3 csurename3 psurname3 1/2/1990 Missing school2 cforename3 csurename3 psurname3 1/2/1990 JC123456A No
Is there any possibility to create a macro to export to .CSV with selected columns in a different format and with no headers an example is below in the correct format and a blank column in B
JA123456A pleaseleaveblank 19900101 psurname1 JC123456A 19900201 psurname3
please note the date in the original spreadsheet is DD/MM/YYYY and in the .CSV it needs to be yyyymmdd.
Thanks in advance!