So I tried both mentioned methods to accomplish what I was trying to do and found that
worked fine when there was only a few rows to add "-" to. When I would attempt to add another snippet just like this but for the next column over, it would continue without stopping. I also found that if I would delete all data in the original column "d" then the loop seemed for freeze at rows 21-22... To help this is the exact code I was using when all of this happened.
Again, this worked fine when only 5-6 rows at the bottom needed filling but didn't when the whole column was empty to start with. Or, when an identical code was added with the range being changed to "e15" and "$E$51" respectively.
On the other hand. The second snippet of code works great and made the whole process easier because the range can be easily adjusted and it functions just the same.
Not sure what isn't quite right with this first line of code, but glad the second one works so well.
Thanks for all the help!