I am writing code to combine two comma-quote delimitted files into one, and then output these files (once data has been moved around a bit..) into a fixed-length format.
The first crux lied in the fact that I greatly exceed the 240 character limit for the .prn space output. So could not use that. I ended up measuring the length of each field and adding the appropriate spaces after each string. Output was successful in unicode, file closed... and I thought all was ok.
I opened the file in notepad and noticed that strings that have commas in them now also contain double quotes (which I don't want). I am not exactly sure how these can be removed programmatically. It is easy enough to do a find/replace in notepad - but how to do that programmatically? I stumbled on some code and tried it, but it ended up (once i reopened the file) in basically be gibberish.
This is the code I attempted to use:
Any help is greatly appreciated.