Im writing a program that lets the user choose filtercriterias from comboboxes and checkboxes.

two programs containing the "exact" same code react differently. When filtering one sheet containing numbers and text formated to "text" The numbers get an error notation which says "number stored as text".

The other sheet, formated in the same way, doesnt have this notation by its cells.

The autofilter on the first sheet works fine! ex. finding all rows containing 7,23...
The second sheets filterfunction doesnt work.

Here's some of my code:
Private Sub cbomaterial_Click()
    'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim filtervarde(10) As String
    filtervarde(0) = cbomaterial.Value
    filtervarde(1) = cbodesign.Value
    filtervarde(2) = cboips.Value
 Call Filter.kontfilter(filtervarde(0), 9)
Call UTFILL.Design(filtervarde)
    Call UTFILL.IPS(filtervarde)
    Call UTFILL.status(filtervarde)
End sub

Sub kontfilter(filtervarde As String, kol As Integer)
    lastCol = ActiveSheet.Range("IV10").End(xlToLeft).Column
    lastrow = ActiveSheet.Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    ActiveSheet.Range("a10:" & _
    ActiveSheet.Cells(lastrow, lastCol).Address).Select
    If filtervarde <> "" Then
        'Selection.AutoFilter Field:=kol
        Selection.AutoFilter Field:=kol, Criteria1:=filtervarde, VisibleDropdown:=False
    Else: Selection.AutoFilter Field:=kol, VisibleDropdown:=False
    End If
End sub
The data comming in to the autofilter seems on the "watch" to be correct.. a string with the value 7,32 for ex.

anyone whos got an idea what the problem could be? seems like something with the commas.