Select range (or column) and run this macro:
It will prompt you for phrase so you can type whatever and then run.
Public Sub SearchPhrase()
Dim rngArea As Range
Dim myPhrase As String
myPhrase = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Search for phrase:", Type:=2)
If Len(myPhrase) > 0 Then
For Each rngArea In Selection
With rngArea
If InStr(UCase(rngArea), UCase(myPhrase)) > 0 Then
rngArea.Offset(1).Resize(7).Insert Shift:=xlDown
Exit Sub 'remove this if you want to have multiple search
End If
End With
Next rngArea
End If
End Sub
It will end after first match.
If you want to add 7 rows after each match remove "Exit Sub" part