Hello All,
I have this code below altered from a previous post:
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This code is trying to get rid of the external links within a cell while retaining the formula that is included within the same cell.Im getting a Compile error "Method or data member not found on the "NewName:=Thisworkbook.wbk" Here is an example of my problem:
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(D3,'H:\Entry Support\Income Allocators\ESOMM\2014\2014 09\[ESOMM Operating Income 201409 version 100.xlsm]2013 BI by Partner'!$2:$2,0)),0,MATCH(D3,'H:\Entry Support\Income Allocators\ESOMM\2014\2014 09\[ESOMM Operating Income 201409 version 100.xlsm]2013 BI by Partner'!$2:$2,0))
The strings highlighted in red are the links i want to remove and retain all the formula around it. These links were formed after copying data from an old sheet into a new sheet. There will be many more of the same actions like this monthly so just trying to find an easier solution.